About Me

From Tragic Endings,Grows the Force of a Driving Dream, A Dream that leads To the Remarkable Journey to END Drunk Driving Fatalities and Injuries...This is our DREAM. Prevention through education and promotion of alcohol detection technology. Encouraging,supporting victim grief share and memorial tributes.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

DUI Crash Deaths: About 10,839 May Die in a Drunk- Driving Crash in 2011

These people that are dying are not a number or a statistic; there our families our children and my son Ozzie.
We need to find ways to elimate DUI death and injuries. This is every families problem not just mine. Everyone that drives that walks on the sidewalk is at risk with the odds being 1 in 5 of our total population will die as a result. (NHTSA)
We must War on this Terror; But how?